Life Inside a closed jar: A man posts a video of his 12-year-old terrarium and earns 24 million views…

Over the last few years, gardening has become a more popular activity and rehabilitation tool. To cope, many people were forced to stay at home and transformed their backyards into beautiful gardens.

People were advised to garden to help them cope with the uncertainties of the times.

But what about those who lived in apartments, houses, or other areas where there was no room for a garden?

What about individuals who aren’t so lucky as to have a green thumb? What about folks who wish to look after plants but don’t have the time or patience to do so?

Is it possible for them to do it as well? Yes, they are capable. They can create a terrarium.

What’s this, a terra?
A terrarium is a miniature garden, a miniature greenhouse, or a closed eco-system contained in a clear glass container.

They’re the ideal garden or plant for people who have limited or no room in their houses, or who desire a low-maintenance plant because they’re often on the go.

They’re quite simple to produce.
A terrarium can be made out of almost any glass container. You can use any glass jar you have, including old mason jars, glass carafes, and other glass jars.

You can also purchase a terrarium-specific glass container. It is all up to you. You can be as creative as you want and use any plant you like.

Pebbles or rocks of various shapes and colors can be added. If you wish, you can also include shells or little garden sculptures.

You have the option of having it open or closed.
However, when making an open terrarium, keep in mind that you’ll need to use plants that don’t require a lot of moisture.

Visit your local garden center if you’re unclear which plants to utilize. They will make recommendations for the best plants for you.

Make sure your terrarium receives filtered light, either from a shaded window or from artificial house lighting. If you put them in direct sunlight, the plants inside will fry.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked with plants before or are a complete novice.

You can create your own terrarium.
This terrarium is now 12 years old in this video, and it was created by his brother when he was a child. Anyone can make a terrarium, as we have stated.

Initially, they used hairy bittercress plants. Algae was also used, which was sandwiched between the glass and the clay soil. The algae have proven to be a good source of food for the numerous creatures in this terrarium.

Springtails, isopods, brown centipedes, nematodes, and earthworms are among the creatures found. The dirt utilized for the mini-garden already contains these creatures.

An ecology that is completely balanced. Plants are eaten by the organisms to keep them from growing too large. Other organisms hunt down the other organisms so they don’t consume all of the plants in the garden.

Do you want to try your hand at making your own?
A glass container/jar, gravel/crushed stones, garden soil or activated charcoal, terrarium plants, sterile potting mix, sheet moss, rocks, pebbles, or any other decorative items you choose to utilize are all you’ll need.

A trowel, small garden scissors, and a spray bottle are also required.

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