When a woman decided to adopt a little girl she could not even imagine that her son had a biological connection with her. The all details about this incredible story below

The unexpected breakup of her marriage left a woman in her early 30s feeling lost and without purpose.

Katie Page relocated to a new house in Colorado and even modified her line of work. Till she got an email from her pastor, Katie, though, felt like something was still incomplete.

Katie was questioned by the pastor about her interest in adopting a child. She opted to learn more about fostering because she had previously struggled with fertility and thought about adoption.

As soon as Katie began going to meetings about fostering, she felt this was the perfect choice for her. Then, before making the adoption plunge, this mom fostered four more kids.

In 2016, Katie learnt of a 4-day-old boy who had been abandoned at a nearby hospital and had no name.

Baby Grayson was adopted by Katie, who gave him the name Grayson. During his nearly 12-month stay with her, Katie fell in love with the little boy.

She adopted Grayson, then 11 months old, after the court removed the parents’ parental rights.

Within just two weeks of Katie becoming a full-fledged mother, her caseworker called her once more to inform her about a baby girl who had been abandoned at the same hospital.

Although the thought of caring for another infant made Katie feel worried and overwhelmed, her heart told her to take the little girl into her home.

‘I know I am insane, but God is asking me to say ‘YES,’’ Katie recalled saying over the course of the following 10 minutes and other phone calls she made that day.

Baby Hannah would soon be brought to Katie’s residence, but it wasn’t until the single mother was glancing at Hannah’s hospital bracelet that she made an unexpected finding.

The new mother noted that Hannah’s bracelet bore the same name as Grayson’s biological mother. The mother’s birth date also matched when she checked Hannah’s adoption papers, but these two kids had radically different looks.

Grayson is half African American and has lovely darker complexion and dark curly hair, while Baby Girl has fair white skin and straight red-blonde hair, according to Katie’s blog.

In order to ensure Grayson and Hannah were in fact half siblings, Katie located the birth mother of her children and set up a DNA test.

What if Baby Girl had been adopted by another family, Katie posed in a blog post?
‘Without her, we would never have discovered Grayson’s mother.

There would have been no connection at all! The miracle that had just occurred was beyond my comprehension.’

In December 2018, Katie officially adopted Hannah.

‘I had the oddest feeling ever on the day I said ‘Yes’ to taking the Baby Girl,’ she recalled. I don’t believe I had ever genuinely sensed a clear calling from God before that (or whatever higher spirit you personally might believe in).

‘Something inside kept saying you had to say ‘YES,’ even though my brain was telling me to say ‘no’ since it made no sense and wasn’t in my plans.

Whatever you want to call it, the fact that my children were able to connect with one another is a complete miracle.

With more than 90,000 followers on Instagram, Katie has continued her journey as a single mother who fosters and adopts children. As a ‘perfectionist making the most of my extremely flawed life,’ Katie characterized herself.

Even more, this single mother found love and adopted their younger brother Jackson. A adolescent is currently being fostered by Katie, who is documenting the difficulties and joy on her Youtube channels and other social media.

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