These cute photos of a little baby in mom’s arms bring a kind smile. However you will probably cry when you know the background story of this peaceful photo!

Briton Teagan Bernard was just 17 when she got pregnant. Despite the young age of the expectant mother, the whole family supported her.Including Abby’s mother, who did not expect at all to become a grandmother at the age of 35.

However, Abby gave birth at a young age. The mother thought that the girl could become a wonderful, caring mother. And all the relatives and friends hastened to help in preparing for the arrival of a new member of the family.

Teagan’s pregnancy went pretty smoothly, and labor started on time. When Tigan was taken to the hospital, nothing predicted the misfortune.

However, something did not go according to plan. The girl developed complications during childbirth, which led to cardiac and respiratory difficulties.

The doctors made efforts to bring the girl back to life. But when they finally succeeded, it became clear that the girl’s brain was irreversibly damaged by long-term oxygen starvation.

Despite all this, Teagan gave birth to a healthy baby. The boy, who weighed 4.5 kg, was named Patrick.

The young grandmother took care of the newborn child.Doctors were able to keep Tigan with modern medical equipment for some time. However, the miracle that all his relatives were waiting for did not happen.

A month after giving birth, the young mother passed away without ever seeing her child.

These photos were taken after the birth and shortly before the tragic event. Little Patrick seemed to feel that his mother was next to him. He hugged his loved one and a smile appeared on his face. Maybe subconsciously that memory will remain with him throughout his life.

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