Keanu Reeves is rightfully considered one of the kindest, simplest and ‘ordinary’ celebrities in the world. Neither fame nor money could change his nature.
For many years of his successful career, Keanu has remained the same ordinary and pleasant guy who was at the very beginning of his professional path.
It was this letter from Keanu Reeves that blew up the net:
‘See the people behind me? They all run to work, not paying attention to anything. Sometimes the daily routine draws us in so much that we forget to stop even for a minute to enjoy the beauty of life. We are turning into real zombies.
Raise your eyes and take the earphones out of your ears. Greet a passerby or hug someone who feels bad. Offer someone your help. Live every day like it’s your last.
Few people know that a few years ago I was in a terrible depression. I never told anyone about this.
I had to find my own way to overcome it. And I realized: the person who did not let me be happy is ME.
Every day we live is priceless. Let’s deal with this fact accordingly. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will come, so start living today!
I hope you share this post so that at least these holidays there will be a little more love! I say goodbye to you’
Keanu Reeves