Our daily routines can occasionally be what makes us the happiest. This is a morning welcome on the street for retired Richard and Maisy the Golden Retriever.
Tiktokker @mspeelhmb, Maisy’s father Mas, posts videos of their endearing routine. Mas writes,
‘My dog adores Richard, who walks from the senior complex around my block. Here they are introducing themselves this morning.
My dog adores Richard because he walks from the senior community around my block. Here they are introducing themselves this morning.
Mas’s original sound
The elderly dog stands up from the grass and starts to wag her tail frantically the closer Richard approaches.
She also makes a cute howl to welcome him. As he approaches his canine companion, Richard, who is pulling a pram, glows with a broad smile on his face.
If you have difficulties viewing the video above, it is available below in Reddit format.