Before getting married, they had spent a long time together. Now they look forward to many years of marriage.
Naturally, everyone is looking at the newlyweds as a love song is being played.They simply sway to the same beat as one while they stare into each other’s eyes.
There are also these two. It is a dance, indeed, but not just any boring dance.
Since they are aware that it would be a very important occasion, family and guests are already standing.
The newlyweds put on a spectacular performance to the tune of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s ‘Shallow.’
The couple starts dancing slowly and deliberately, giving off the sensual, romantic vibe of almost understanding the lyrics of the music.
They have clearly put a lot of effort and practice into the excellent choreography.
This is not Dancing With The Stars, please note!
‘Congratulations to you both! I can tell that dancing is important to both of you and that it helped you express your love for one another on the dance floor on your wedding day.
What a cool thing! High marks One of the viewers exclaims, ‘I applaud you both for a wonderful performance, & 1st dance of perfection on your special day!’
There are too many moves that an average couple would never be able to accomplish or even want to try on their wedding night. Nobody wants to attempt a flip and perhaps get harmed.
So just allow this brilliant couple to captivate you. They are so good that this marriage will undoubtedly succeed. It’s all about flow and communication, and it appears that they have already mastered that.
Click the play button to watch this amazing debut dance!