Why Kate Winslet Couldn’t Stand Her Role as Rose in Titanic

Kate Winslet’s role in ‘Titanic’ made the actress famous.But what was the price of fame?

It is interesting that Kate remembers being filmed in such a big project not at all fondly. And what happened to the actress after the release of the film completely horrified her.

The cult film ‘Titanic’ was released in 1997. At the time, aspiring actress Kate Winslet was little known.

Moreover, it was difficult for the girl to break into Hollywood. With a last name starting with the letter W (Winslet), she just didn’t make it to the auditions as time was running out and the cherished roles went to someone higher up the lists.

Kate’s appearance did not meet Hollywood standards. And this was another reason why it was so difficult for the actress to find her place in the cinema.

Her surprise (and at the same time horror) knew no bounds when Kate was approved for the role in Titanic.

What scared the actress so much? First, his stage partner was Leonardo DiCaprio, who at that time had already managed to become enlightened.

Kate was worried that she would look like a fool against Leo. And she will be eaten by the wolves in the mask of filmmakers, and later by the audience.

‘I was just a normal, overweight girl, last on any list. And then I boarded the Titanic. It was crazy,’ the actress shared in one of the interviews.

Secondly, she got the role of American Rosa in the film. Kate herself is British. Therefore, playing the role, Winslet does not always feel comfortable.

She seemed to be in the wrong place.Kate had to constantly work on her accent. And now the actress admits that she is still ashamed of her pronunciation in the film.

Kate Winslet was afraid of Hollywood in general. This place seemed terrible to her.The actress thought that she would never be able to fully become a part of it all. When the shooting was already over, Kate was not feeling well.

Everything was the opposite. Popularity fell on the actress, she was talked about a lot. Yes, Kate got her first fans.

But there were enough critics making nasty comments about Kate. The actress began to regret that she signed up for all this. It’s better to be a stranger than to be under such pressure all the time.

‘Honestly, I felt haunted. I remember thinking. ‘This is just terrible. I hope it will pass one day.’ Over time, everything really fell into place,’ admitted Kate.

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