After learning that he was gravely ill and didn’t have a lot of time left, an elderly gentleman decided that he wanted to spend at least one more dinner with his loved ones at their go-to eatery before he passed away.
The name of the establishment is The Little Big Cup, and it can be found in the city of Arnaudville in the state of Louisiana.
After hearing the elderly patron’s story, the staff members at the restaurant wanted to serenade him with a rendition of the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ while he waited for his meal.
On Facebook, restaurant proprietor Sanjay Maharaj expressed his astonishment, writing, ‘I’m blown away.’
‘Mr. Chauvin is nearing the end of his life, and he expressed a desire to have one of his final meals at The Little Big Cup.
Our staff members and guests participated in the celebration of his beautiful life with his family.
The room is filled with such amazing vocals and harmonies thanks to the employees who are singing.
Both the elderly man and his wife begin to wipe their eyes with a tissue, and the woman reaches across the table to take a grasp of her husband’s hand. What a moving and aesthetically pleasing scene!
At the conclusion of the film, everyone in the restaurant applauds the singers and the man, who is expressing his gratitude by waving to the audience.
What an amazing demonstration of generosity. I have no doubt that the elderly man and his family were blown away by the sincere song performed by the staff members of the restaurant, and that they felt extremely privileged to be recognized in such a way.