When this girl tried to brighten up her dying sister by blowing air into her belly button, a miracle happened.

Small ill children are the worst thing that can happen.

When Amy and Stephen Smith’s daughter Poppy was born, they understood right away that she had a problem.

When their baby was delivered early, the doctors discovered she had Mobius syndrome, a rare condition that paralyzes the facial muscles and impairs speech and eating.

Little Poppy started out in the intensive care unit, where she gradually got better. Despite the condition, Poppy’s parents wished for a healthy childhood for their daughter.

Her parents were overjoyed when she began walking at the age of 15 months. But because of the sickness, she continued to have problems speaking, and she was unable to laugh or grin.

For a while, everything went smoothly, but when she turned two years old, something terrible happened. Poppy got really sick.

Her mother discovered her unresponsive in bed and took her right away to critical care.

The girl had brain damage because of the fluid-filled lungs that prevented oxygen from reaching her brain, according to the physicians.

The doctors feared she wouldn’t make it as her condition deteriorated.The family spent Christmas at the hospital because they thought it might be their daughter’s last.

Standing by their younger sibling were their siblings Alphie, 11, sisters Elisha, 14, and Macy, 12, and their older brother Elisha, 14.

When Macy blew air into Poppy’s stomach to try to cheer her up (as parents love to do to make their little kids laugh).

And at that precise moment, something strange happened that no one could account for. Ha For the first time in her life, Poppy laughed.

Father Stephen told the Mirror, ‘Macy breathed air into her belly button and all of a sudden Poppy started to laugh; we could not believe what we were seeing.’

Poppy’s condition soon started to get better. She was able to crawl a few weeks later and spoke much more than she had before the brain damage.

Nothing less than a miracle occurred.Poppy never stopped fighting from the minute she was born, and now we think she’ll start speaking once more.

What a fascinating tale! Poppy is a brave little girl. And we wish her the best of health and strength as she matures.

We think it is definitely doable, especially with such a supportive family by her side.

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