Even as she approaches another year of age, Audrey Ainsley has no intention of slowing down from the incredible life she has led.
She always had a smile on her face and seemed to enjoy her time at Gulfside Medical Care in Foley.
Ainsley always had a straightforward response to questions about how she managed to live so long; it was also the reason she was able to laugh so loudly and vigorously at her birthday party.
She kept herself active and busy.
The longtime Baldwin County resident seems to have boundless vitality and vigor. She may be above 100, but it doesn’t appear that way.
Ainsley’s family is not shocked by her excellent physical condition because she makes an effort to be active.
Marlian Ahearn, her daughter, said that Ainsley always took good care of herself by working out and being active. She continued, ‘You know, it’s simply amazing.
She and my dad before he departed always had a lot of diverse interests.’
Ainsley relished the opportunity to spend time with her cherished grandkids and the honor of getting to know her great-grandkids. She spent as much time as she could with them and created memories.
The Big Surprise
Ainsley believed she was traveling in October 2022 to meet Dr. Kenneth McLeod, her doctor of 19 years, but it was all a ruse.
She was taken aback by the kindness of the employees taking care of her instead of expecting a routine checkup.
The happy lady walked into a room festooned with banners, balloons, and other birthday-themed decorations. Cake and delectable nibbles were arranged on a table for their cherished resident.
When Ainsley saw the balloon sign that said ‘105,’she realized it was her party. She was unable to suppress her smile.
She was honored to be the guest of honor at the surprise party because it meant so much to her.
The energy of Ainsley is contagious. She may not have discovered the secret to eternal youth, but she did discover a wonderful way to live:
without restraints and with an endless supply of optimism. We hope she lives a long, healthy, and happy life.