Evgeny Anisimov, who is 33 years old and the father of a young boy, began sobbing as soon as he learned that his son was going to be born with Down syndrome.
When the infant was first born, the attending physician warned the new father, ‘I fear that your baby has Down syndrome.’
However, he quickly felt ashamed of his reaction and resolved to never show such weakness again. He also vowed to lavish as much love and affection on his son as he was capable of mustering.
‘In my life, in the grand scheme of things, nothing had altered at all. I had retained both of my limbs and both of my legs.
He stated that his professional knowledge had reached a dead end. ‘Everything was with me: my determination, my activity, my interest, and so on and so forth.’
Everything went just according to my plans. A son has been born to me. However, the youngster is exceptional. His life and what will happen to him in the future are already quite important.
He turned on his computer and immediately started doing research on Down syndrome after learning that his son had been diagnosed with the disease.
Because he wanted to be a good parent who was able to support his child in the ways that were necessary for him to be supported, he educated himself on everything he could possibly learn.
I was surprised to learn that people with Down syndrome in Europe are socialized well and have the ability to live and work freely.
But that didn’t sway the choice I’d already made,’ he explained. ’I had already made up my mind.’
Even though Evgeny was excited to be a parent, his wife had different plans for the two of them. Due to the fact that he had down syndrome, she intended to give the infant up for adoption.
He made several attempts to persuade her to keep the son, but she was not interested in taking care of a child that had special needs.
As a direct consequence of this, the couple broke up, and Evgeny was forced to raise his child all by himself as a single parent.’I see that now, and I realize that all she was experiencing at the time was fear.
She began to act in a manner that was inconsistent with the scenario, and by that time, the Rubicon had already been crossed, and it was too late to escape from the scenario,” he stated.
Evgeny has been doing everything in his can to bring up his son, Mishka, all by himself without any assistance from his ex-wife.
The compassionate parent shared his thoughts by saying, ‘I recognize that the future may bring additional problems, but I hope that we will be able to overcome everything.’
Evgeny has high expectations that the attention that has been brought to him as a result of his circumstances would contribute to the greater understanding of Down syndrome.
He hopes to raise awareness about the disease among individuals.’I want all of the articles that are being written now about Mishka and myself to convey that idea to society and instill it.
He continued, ‘And I also want to encourage and motivate those others who are or will be in the same circumstances as me by using my example.’
I make an effort to communicate with folks who are within my sphere of influence. I keep in touch with those who live in other locations.
I really hope that individuals who are going through tough times right now, like it was for us, would read about us and take heart. Everything is going to turn out all right!