In 1983, a 7.2 kg baby was born. How does he live after 40 years?

In 1983, a boy, Kevin Robert Clark, was born, whose birth became a real sensation in America. In the end, this baby weighed 7.2 kg. He was the biggest child in the country.

When Kevin’s mother, Patricia Clark, was pregnant, she assumed that the baby might be big because there are big kids in their family, but she didn’t expect such a surprise.

Taking the child home from the hospital, it turned out that he does not fit in a standard bed, and all the clothes are too small…

When Kevin was 12 years old, his height exceeded 152 centimeters. ‘The main difficulty was finding suitable clothes and shoes,

especially since I quickly gained height. It was very difficult and I needed clothes all the time,’ he recalls.

Because of his height, everyone insisted that he try his hand at sports, they literally forced him to play basketball.

But Kevin did not succeed in sports, he was completely indifferent to this occupation.But he loved hunting and fishing.

Kevin later served in the US Air Force and currently works for the State Police. Today he is 39 years old, weighs 136 kilograms and is over 2 meters tall.

The man shares that he doesn’t like being in the center of attention, because literally from diapers he has become the subject of various jokes, which are repeated by the media.

Over time, the various jokes and jokes directed at him make the man very angry. So we don’t recommend…

But in general, Kevin’s life is quite developed, he met his partner and got a dog, the man feels happy.’When people ask me if I play basketball, I answer: ‘Do you play mini golf?’ Kevin says.

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