The most beautiful trees in the world. They are so unique and beautiful that they are truly perfect…Photos inside

On normal working days, people do not pay attention to the beauty of the world around them. For example, how often do they stop to admire the trees? These plants have become so familiar that they do not stand out from the general picture.

Although there are such samples in the world that are hard to pass by. Nature sometimes creates stunning masterpieces, and trees can also surprise.

They do not look like birches or poplars familiar to the Russian people, although it should be noted that these plants are also beautiful in their own way.


The homeland of decorative plants is North America and Southeast Asia.Now it can be found in many countries of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.In Russia, he lives in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

The maximum height of the tree is 30 m, although there are more than 600 species of rhododendrons, there are also creeping shrubs.

They grow both individually and in groups.The leaves have different shapes and colors. Beautiful lush crown, colorful caps of flowers of different shades.

Out of competition lilac and pink. Such rhododendrons resemble big bright balls.You should be especially careful with them.

Trees are poisonous, and even a simple photo next to them can have disastrous consequences.

Dragon tree

The birthplace of the dragon tree is Africa, Asia, Central America.

It reaches a height of 20 m, grows very slowly. It looks unusual due to its unique structure. Branching of trunks takes place at a height of several meters.

The tree also produces aerial roots. The leaves are hard and sharp, they grow, they resemble needles. This tree is best viewed from above. It looks like a big mushroom.

Dragon tree juice is widely used in industry and homeopathy. Some varieties of the genus are used for ornamental purposes.

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