You have hardly seen anything like this. See what the kids do when dad starts playing the piano (video)

A YouTube video demonstrates how a father started creating memories and a connection with his daughter by using music,

specifically the piano. In the video, the father is seen holding his infant daughter in one arm while using his free hand to tickle the ivories.

The one-month-old doesn’t cry or even make a sound as dad plays. Instead, she tugs at her ear while the youngster listens quietly to her father’s wonderful music.

The child is shown in the following scene playing with the piano keys while sitting on her father’s knee.

The child’s development and changes in appearance are clearly seen as the movie goes on, as she grows more at ease

and acclimated to the piano’s soothing sounds. The toddler even nods off when her father plays the piano in a few of the scenes.

The young girl sits down at the piano a bit later, around the three-minute mark in the video, her eyes wide as she takes everything in.

The toddler joins her father in the game by the end of the video. The five-year-old child sings at the end of the video as her father plays the piano.

The endearing video depicts a devoted father and his daughter forging a lifelong friendship through music.

She will probably cherish the memories of her entire life spent at the piano with her father!

What a wonderful present this dad gave his daughter!

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