Everyone was in tears when a singer-songwriter serenaded his father, who had a serious problems with health … Video

Fathers do have a significant and enduring influence on the lives of their kids. One of the first two individuals a

youngster often meets is their father. Children frequently copy the words and behaviors of their parents, whether for good or evil.

Oliver Steele, a singer-songwriter from Tennessee who is 25 years old, probably became a musician since

his father was also a musician. Oliver’s father, on the other hand, experienced a stroke that impacted his left side of the body.

Oliver acknowledges that after his father’s medical incident, he was in uncharted waters. He wasn’t sure what he could do to help his father, how to console him, or how to make things better.

Oliver stated, ’I just remember feeling really helpless. Oliver continued by saying that his father played a significant role in his decision to even apply for American Idol.

After hearing Oliver speak about how much his father inspires him, Luke Bryan, Katy Perry, and Lionel Richie request that Oliver’s father be invited to his son’s audition.

Dad is wheeled into the room and the tears start to fall. Even his father would frequently play the song Oliver uses for his audition: ‘Change the World’ by Eric Clapton.

Normally seated during auditions, Lionel, Katy, and Luke stand and watch the touching moment between a father and son unfold in front of them. Tears are starting to form in each of their three eyes.

Oliver sounds great on top of the judges’ and Oliver’s father’s tears. In addition, he makes enough tweaks to the song for it to become uniquely his.

On Oliver, Lionel, Katy, and Luke concur completely. Everywhere, votes are in favor. Oliver is relocating to Los Angeles!

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