A 17-year-old teenager dives into Long Island Bay to save a stranger who later turns out to be his…

A young man followed a young woman after she accidently drove her automobile into the Atlantic Ocean and assisted her in getting to safety.

On Long Island’s piers in Patchoque Bay, Mia Samolinski, then 18 years old, was attempting to move her

Subaru Outback out of a parking spot when she inadvertently stepped on the accelerator rather than the brake.

A car was forming behind Anthony Zhongor, a 17-year-old Samolinski student, as he leapt out of his car and immediately dove in after her.

She ‘got really far down there’ and ‘was hammering on the door, banging on the window, and of course trying

to smash the window,’ Zhongor remembered. As a result, he claimed, ‘I just took my clothes off and went into the water.’

Samolinski was able to exit the automobile via the back because Zhongor’s body weight caused the nose of the car to drop, raising the rear of the car above the water.

He claimed that when ‘she just came up to me and said, ‘Oh my God, thank you,’’ he subsequently recognized that it was his classmate.

The Samolinskis have given an invitation to Zhongor, who is on schedule to graduate this year, to go to Marines boot camp in South Carolina.

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