Eleven years of amazing companionship between the lion and the man who saved him

Frikkie Von Solms has a passion for animals. His entire life has been devoted to the preservation of

South African wild cats. And Zion, a lion that Solms has been raising for a minimum of eleven years.

Together, the two had spent many joyful and enjoyable years. They are so close that they sleep in the same bed.

Lion in Africa Zion was born into captivity, but when his father threatened to kill him, he and his mother were separated. Zion is a calm, amiable, and sensitive animal.

Von Solms reared Zion since he was a young cub because he was born in captivity and could not be returned to the wild.

Now, eleven years later, Zion grows into a large, powerful lion. But because of the love and care, it appears so delicate and tranquil.

Von Solms told the Daily Mail, ‘It was a once in a lifetime experience to grow up with him and learn

and live with him through all of the stages of being a male lion.’ Zion is a kind, big man. He has never attacked a human, and I have total faith in him.

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