The frightened teenage boy is alone on stage, but as soon as the music begins, the judges jump from their chairs in full surprise.

The shy 13-year-old Abu was under a lot of pressure when he appeared on the platform of the show

‘The Voice Kids Belgium.’ Abu chose a very challenging song in the hopes that it would win over the judges.

One of the singers with the highest record sales of all time, Celine Dione, with a voice that is among the many iconic voices

that have left a lasting impression on music history. She is among the best-selling vocalists of all time.

Few people in the room thought Abu could sing ‘My Heart Will Go On’ from the classic movie Titanic as well as Celine did. But this boy knew what he was doing, he had experience.

The very moving song became Celine Dion’s most successful single almost immediately after she gave an amazing rendition of it.

It currently ranks among the songs with the highest sales globally. Anybody who sings this song

would have a hard time making it their own, but Abu isn’t your average 13-year-old boy in the slightest.

Abu had some very big shoes to fill when it came to choosing this unique music, but he did not disappoint.

All that needs to be said about his performance is expressed by the celebrity jury’s response to it.

Even when it doesn’t seem like things could get much better, they do. He performs a particularly challenging passage of high notes beautifully.

Several people’s startled and joyful emotions are captured by the moving camera, including the judges.

See the footage and make your own conclusions about what transpired.

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