Teacher Taken aback by Marriage Proposal During Story Time in the Classroom…Video

A major turning point in a relationship occurs when someone asks the love of their life to marry them.

It’s an occasion that frequently involves months of careful preparation. In a YouTube video, a couple shared with Kelly Clarkson

how their adorable and original marriage proposal which involved a classroom full of kids—came to be.

In Indiana, Rachel works as an elementary school teacher. Rachel invites ‘mystery readers’ to visit her classroom and read to her students

in an effort to foster a passion and interest in reading among her pupils. Austin, Rachel’s boyfriend, happened to be this week’s mystery reader.

The book’s conclusion was a surprise to both Rachel and the students, but it was the greatest one could have imagined!

Something is still lacking, though. Yes, only one thing—a stunning ring with a radiant-cut diamond,’ Austin says in the video.

And so, this is me, Rachel, bending down to one knee. Will you marry me with all the love in my heart?Neither of them will ever forget that particular moment.

Rachel informed Kelly that Austin’s proposal did not precisely satisfy her request. Rachel went on to say that she wasn’t sure who was more shocked by Austin’s move—her or the kids.

The children were squealing, she admitted. It’s difficult to explain because Austin and I had agreed that

I wanted a private proposal that involved just us. Thus, I believe they were aware of it much earlier than I was the entire time.

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