Fathers and daughters share a very special bond. Fathers that are loving are dependable advocates and guardians who lend you their shoulders when you need them to cry.
And, yeah, sometimes that even meant putting on a flower crown for your princess tea parties or playing goalie while you took another shot.
Fathers teach their kids to be competitive, establish objectives, think critically, and approach problems pragmatistically.
They also provide us with the courage to follow our dreams and the self-belief that keeps us going.
But for a small while, these roles were reversed in a Reddit video. And after seeing the video, you could start crying.
The video, which South China Morning Post first posted, depicts a guy nodding asleep as he changes his restaurant’s menu in response to the pandemic’s impact.
His young daughter noticed this and kindly put on her jacket to keep dad warm. When the father wakes up after his daughter leaves the room, he discovers what has happened.
The distressed father breaks down in tears after being touched by his daughter’s endearing attempt to help him.
Online users responded to the video by pointing out that the little girl’s gesture might be just what her father needs to get through his hectic day.
Some internet users felt impelled to inquire about the man’s mental health after watching the heartwarming video, with one writing:
‘This broke my heart. A man collapsed on an uncomfortable surface in a well-lit room, his head
in his arms from sheer exhaustion. The child is sweet, no doubt, but he must be terribly exhausted.’