Travolta Shows Off ‘Grease’ Dance Moves After 40 Years , And He Does Not Disappoint. Video

Numerous attractive and talented people have been bestowed upon us by the entertainment business. John Travolta is among these iconic stars.

The actor, who gained popularity for his parts in iconic films like Pulp Fiction, Saturday Night Fever,

and Urban Cowboy, has a sizable fan following because to his adaptable style of acting.

But the mystery of why John hadn’t produced a Grease musical version persisted for a long time. It didn’t appear to receive much attention even though it

was one of the popular musical films of the late 1970s. Undoubtedly, there were numerous TV spin-offs, but why didn’t Travolta take action himself?

You would assume that’s why, when three hugely popular films (Saturday Night Fever, Grease, and Urban Cowboy) practically defined the pop dance scene for more than ten years,

John’s singing and dancing days came to an end in the 1980s. Although he did appear in that little sequence in Pulp Fiction, he hasn’t acted in a dance film since 1981.

In an interview from a few years back, Jimmy Fallon, the host of a late-night show, knows this and pushes John to hit the dance floor.

John starts off with a move that makes it clear he still has muscle memory and could perform some impressive stunts on stage or in a movie.

His hips are quite honest. Please watch the entire movie below and let us know what you thought by posting a Facebook comment!

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