After the wedding ring fell into the garbage, city workers did something really special…Video

Thus, one can well imagine what fear and worry Melanie Harper must have experienced when she misplaces her wedding band.

The ring fell off her finger and into the limitless sea of recyclables as she was sorting garbage into a recycle container.

‘I imagined that Price is Right game, Plinko, after I didn’t find it,’ she remarked. ‘And it sounds like it’s plinking all the way to the bottom.’

Melanie contacted the Department of Public Works in Greenville, South Carolina, in an attempt to retrieve the ring.

Melanie was sympathetic to the supervisor of the department. After placing himself in her shoes, he made a choice.

After emptying the container’s contents across the parking lot, they started going through the trash in

an attempt to find the missing ring. It’s really unlikely that you will ever ring something that tiny, almost negligible, right?

Travis Golden did, in fact, discover the ring!
Melanie met with the men to thank them sincerely when the ring was found and given back to her.

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