In one of the most lovely scenes ever, a mother and her charming 2-year-old daughter wear identical outfits. Video

Hannah Cases, a mother, has discovered an unusual and possibly cutest—method to strengthen her relationship with her little daughter,

Georgia. The identical costume is worn by Hannah and Georgia in a number of videos that are uploaded on Hannah’s Instagram page.

In the films, a mother and daughter are shown shopping, dancing, strolling along the street, and posing for pictures.

In a YouTube video, Hannah and Georgia can be seen grinning broadly as they enjoy each other’s company.

Georgia seems to enjoy spending time with her mother and being her mini-me just as much as Hannah does, based on the videos.

The brief video shows Georgia sitting on some couch with her mother next to her. ‘Matching, matching!’ they chant as the two angrily clap their hands.

‘Hannah told GMA (Good Morning America) that her daughter asks if they can match almost every day,’ the text in the video adds.

Hannah tells the camera, ‘I just got Georgia everything she needs to match me from head to toe,’

about the 20-second point in the YouTube video. Georgia screams with delight as she makes this declaration while seated close to her mother.

What a lovely and endearing way to bond and make memories with your child. Hannah and Georgia will treasure those moments, pictures, and movies for the rest of their lives.

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