A young woman approaches meals in an intriguing way in a video that has been uploaded to YouTube.
Her goal was to trick her parents into believing she had finished dinner. Her approach was, to put it mildly, unusual.
In the brief video, the young girl, Cali, is seen eating off a dish in front of her and holding a fork full of food.
The young woman’s goal was to finish supper quickly so she could have some ice cream for dessert.
The young woman tries to bite and absorb the food on her fork in an attempt to trick her parents into thinking she was eating her dinner.
She even gives an imaginary up-and-down head tilt, as though she’s feasting on something she’s not even consuming.
It’s unclear if the youngster was successful in tricking her parents. However, based on her mother’s encouragement and urging in the video, I assume that mom was not tricked.
It was still funny, though, and worth a try—especially if you like ice cream.