The country of Ireland is famous for its ancient history. But not only that: the state is a place of harsh and magical landscapes. And how can one not mention the delicious Irish dishes?
The country is rich in cultural aspects. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most spectacular
and energetic dances in the world is also performed in this country. He is best known as ‘Riverdale’.
From an early age, children in Ireland are introduced to this famous dance. And the most important thing is that the skillfully staged choreography brings pleasure to many young children.
Why not! From a distance, it looks like the dancers are stomping their feet on the ground, but the technique required to hone these meticulous steps is far from easy.
Today we get to watch one little angel perform her act in the cutest of ways. The children are very neatly dressed for the holiday.
First, the teacher puts everyone in a row. The performance begins as soon as Irish music comes from the speakers.
What a cool number! One 3-year-old girl literally enchants all viewers with her dance and smile.
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