College Students’ Heartwarming Gesture Leaves Beloved Security Guard Feeling Grateful and Touched

A group of college students approach a security guard who is seated behind a desk in a YouTube video.

The security guy has family in Nigeria that he hasn’t seen in a long time, as the video’s text makes clear.

These youngsters have, however, devised a tender fix. Telling the security guard that the students created a GoFundMe page and eventually donated enough money to send the guard to visit his family,

the young man in the video tells the guard. The security guy is blown away with emotion after learning the news and receiving the gift and card.

He physically tumbles to the ground from his seat. What a kind and considerate gesture from the youth, who clearly have a great deal of affection for the security guy.

The general public holds the opinion that youth are conceited, conceited, and unconcerned with other people’s comfort or sentiments. This video, however,

demonstrates that this is not at all the case. Yes, there are bad people in the world, but even among college students, there are still decent and kind people.

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