Watch a Dog Imitate a Weightlifter by Lifting Invisible Barbells and Doing Squats.

Not artificial intelligence…

This dog from Seattle appears to be athletic and interested in participating in sports. (Perhaps a Subaru owner?)

This hilarious video shows Dooma, who is three years old, imitating her owner, Dr. Evan Strahl, while he is working out at a LA Fitness facility in Seattle, Washington.

A series of squats are performed by the puppy at the beginning of Evan’s workout session. According to the physician, ‘Dooma is a service dog that has received extensive training.’

In addition to her passion for swimming and hiking, she is a competitor in a variety of dog sports.

If there were a dating app for dogs, Dooma would be on it. Here is a very adorable scene for you to watch. On the other hand, you could wish to turn off the music…

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