Galena, the adorable 6-year-old American shorthair cat, went missing on April 10; however, Carrie Clark and her spouse were unaware that day that the cat had been shipped out of an Amazon return box!
While many of us have experienced pets getting lost in our yards or being stuck behind closet doors, Galena managed to get herself stuck inside a 3-by-3-foot box of steel-toed boots and made her way from Lehi,
Utah to an Amazon delivery center in California! Carrie Clark fretted and pondered what had become of Galena for a whole week.
‘We had absolutely no idea what had happened,’ she said to the New York Times. It was incredibly difficult, and I was grieving deeply.
Fortunately, on April 17, Carrie received a call from a Riverside, California, veterinarian. After being discovered by two Amazon workers, Brandy Hunter, an employee, took Galena to the veterinarian.
After using Galena’s microchip to identify her, the veterinarian got in touch with Carrie. The following day, Carrie and her spouse took a plane to California!
Watch this adorable family get-together! Galena initially appears apprehensive and wide-eyed, but she soon warms up to her mother.
Cats might be a little tough sometimes, but Galena seems ready to get past Dad’s boxing her up and sending her out.
With large, weighty boots all around her, the trip couldn’t have been comfortable, but thankfully Galena made it out of the experience with only minor dehydration and weight loss.
How fortunate we are! Oxygen was able to flow because one of the box’s seams had fallen loose. Galena also avoided freezing or overheating because the weather had stayed temperate.
Furthermore, Galena ‘is a fighter,’ as Carrie claims to the veterinarian as she rocks and hugs her pet.