The 88-year-old grandmother dances and adores Motown. When Nana Ester Feole sang beloved songs to her granddaughter Chelsea over lunch, the video went viral.
The YouTube video posted by her granddaughter has received over 1.4 million views. A smile and a dance to this video. Nana Feole’s career as a viral video online continued.
Parts 2, 3, and 4 of “Dancing Nana” were created by Chelsea. With more than 8.7 million views, Nana Feole has five YouTube videos.
Every week, Chelsea had lunch with her grandmother. When she went to her Nana’s house, she would open the windows, play her grandmother’s favorite music,
and record her amazing dance moves as she walked down the stairs to her car. Below is the second installment of this fantastic YouTube viral series from this incredible dancer.