A little girl responds bravely when a man tries to steal her mom’s purse… Tap here to see how she saves the situation…

No matter what age you are, you can be a hero.
One small girl in Florida showed this when she came to her mother’s rescue following a scary situation.

Journee Nelson, 9, displayed incredible bravery when she battled off an alleged robber who attempted to steal her mother’s wallet. The West Palm Beach Police Department is now honoring her for her efforts.

Her bravery was captured on camera.
The situation on November 2nd was caught on camera. It also showed Journee taking matters into her own hands in order to save her mother, Danielle Mobley.

Journee’s mother is thrown to the ground.
As the mother and daughter were putting goods into their car, the alleged robber made his move.

The man was attempting to rob her, she told the cops.’We were fighting over the purse’He threw me to the ground,’ – WPTV News spoke with Danielle Mobley.

‘I was shocked’ —  Journee tells WPTV News journalist
Journee is seen hitting the guy in the face on security video. He reacted by throwing her to the ground and dropped her purse before escaping.

Journee wasn’t done yet…she got up and chased him for five blocks. – New on WPTV ’I responde’. Journee told WPTV News, ‘I had to save my mother.’

The kid appreciation
Journee was awarded a special certification and medal by West Palm Beach Police Chief Frank Adderley in recognition of her outstanding and quick-thinking response.

She is a strong and brave
In a press conference following the incident, Chief Adderley praised Journee’s bravery. Her bravery and acts left an incredible  impression on him.’I wouldn’t suggest come close someone like that, but things happen in the heat of the moment.’

I’m sure he was surprised when she kicked him in the face because he could tell from the video that he wasn’t expecting it, and her actions were perfectly timed in this moment, and I believe she hit him hard.’ — Adderley, Chief

Helping to spread her story
On their Facebook page, the Palm Beach Police Department posted images from the press conference. Journee is spotted flexing her muscles in front of the press.

‘Chief Adderley awarded a 9-year-old toddler today for bravery as she went to her mother’s protection to beat off a bold robber,’ said the caption on the Facebook post. In this case, an arrest was made quickly. A token of appreciation was given to the kid by the West Palm Beach Police Foundation.’

According to the security camera footage, Journee appears to be pursuing a career in police enforcement. During her tour of the police station, she also appears to be at relaxed.

She had the opportunity to ride a motorcycle and take photos with police officers. Her smile speaks for herself.

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