Kakoa and Sky aren’t your average dogs. In some ways, they are celebrities. Their owner has a YouTube account called ‘My Mountain Husky,’ where he posts footage of them doing fun things. With over 36k followers on Instagram, they are very well-known.
Kakoa is an Agouti Siberian Husky, whereas Sky is a black/white Siberian Husky, according to their owner. The two adorable dogs have been included in numerous videos with over 510 million views.
In one of their most recent movies, their owner abandons them in a room filled with tennis balls, capturing their actions.
The guy transports 2,000 tennis balls to his Nevada house, as shown in the video above. He brings the huskies inside after putting all the tennis balls in the living room.
He’s already installed three cameras around the home to record the dogs from various angles, as well as a GoPro on Sky to ensure he doesn’t miss anything his two closest companions do while he’s gone.
So, after bringing the dogs inside, he walks them to the front door and tells them he’ll be gone for a while and begs them to be good guys while he’s gone.
The dogs appear bewildered as he closes the door behind him, then proceed to the living room and kitchen.
They’re presumably checking to see if he’s left, as their owner explains in a note.
They hide behind the door for a while before returning to the living room, which is like a dog’s paradise.
Kakoa now appears to be more enthusiastic than before. In fact, while acting goofy, he tries to get Sky to play with him. They eventually tire of the game and returned to the door.
Finally, their owner reappears, much to the delight of the dogs. When he brings them into the living room with him, the real party begins!
You know, it appears that having tennis balls around without a human to play with is pointless. Even if the number is 2,000!
When their owner starts throwing balls around, Kakoa and Sky both begin jumping and racing around, happily chasing the balls.
With over 5.6 million views and 73k likes, the video has gone viral. The canines’ responses to the tennis balls were a hit with YouTube viewers.
Many of them also had something to say about the video:
”Hooman, you’ve missed the point,’ they say. ‘I adore how they quickly become more thrilled about the balls when the human comes home!’ remarked someone, while another wrote, “Tennis balls are only fun when you’re around!’ Dogs are very innocent.’