While sitting next to an unpleasant passenger on an airplane, a woman overhears a deep voice saying, ‘We’re exchanging seats now.’

A lot of people despise flying. But on a journey from Oklahoma City to Chicago, one mother had her ‘worst dread’ realized thanks to a rude traveler.

Whenever possible, Savannah Phillips chooses a window seat in the middle of the plane, preferably in a row all to herself.

It’s not that she has a problem with social interaction. As Savannah wrote on her Facebook page, she feels this way because she is afraid of what other people would think of her.

‘I’m not the tallest or the tiniest passenger here. If someone has to sit next to me and they’re not comfortable, that’s my greatest fear.

Then there was a period when Savannah was unable to pick her own seat. She, on the other hand, found herself seated next to a grizzled old man in mirrored yellow shades.

Savannah made her way to the window seat, and the man got up to make room for her. In conversation, he revealed

that he was a comedian and appeared to be in his fifties. What he did next, however, was not funny in the least.

The passenger’s nasty nature was apparent even before takeoff.In her message, Savannah said:

Once the flight attendant began the safety demonstration, he pulled out his phone (with huge font and the screen brightness turned all the way up).

A mere 12 inches between his phone and my face as he texted, ‘Sitting next to a stinking fatty.’

Savannah was taken aback and understandably hurt by the harsh text. She was unable to get through even half of it.

Honestly, I have no idea what else was in his text. As quickly as I could, I averted my gaze. I was taken aback, and it seemed to validate all the awful things I already knew about myself.

Tears of hot, salty water began to stream down my face before I really realized what was happening. I sobbed quietly,

hoping this stranger wouldn’t try to strike up conversation for fear of my reaction and getting us both taken off the plane. Oh, the pain I felt.

Luckily, another passenger close had seen what had happened. Savannah’s distress at the man’s horrific statement was palpable to Nashville’s Chase Irwin,

who also read it. He filmed a short clip of the man and uploaded it to social media with the caption:

He’s seated next to a stinking fatty and he’s about to throw up, as he texted his wife. After she read his text, I noticed that she became visibly upset.

To do nothing was not an option for him.
Chase’s heart broke into a thousand pieces when he looked over and saw Savannah sobbing in her seat.

The phrase ‘sick to his stomach’ was used by him while describing his feelings to Inside Edition. Then, Chase stepped in, unsuspectingly playing the role of savior.

I need to talk to you,’ Chase stated as he tapped the shoulder of the man seated next to Savannah and added.

The man took out his headphones instantly, at which point Chase said, ‘We are exchanging seats. Now.’

According to Savannah, the man first didn’t understand why he had to exchange seats, but after hearing Chase out, he quickly came around.

‘You keep sending me texts about her, and I’m not going to put up with it.She considered him a hero.

After Savannah had been bullied, Chase knelt down next to her and wrapped his arm around her. In her message, the mother said:

He told me it was okay to let that guy go and that everything would be okay in the end. We discussed a wide range of topics, including our families, our jobs, and Ross’s two-year-old son.

Then she continued:

I thanked him profusely, assuring him that he had become my husband’s new favorite person for what he had done.

The flight attendant was persistent in trying to buy his admiration with complimentary beverages and compliments. He was my hero, not hers.

Savannah’s Facebook post about the nice Samaritan quickly gained attention.

Many passengers thanked their lucky stars that Chase was sitting next to her on the plane. It was stated in an online forum thread that

Thank you for being the gentleman and savior that you are, Chase. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, Savannah, because you are stunning. “Keep your chin up and your head held high!”

Another person chimed in:

This anecdote encourages me that we can stop judging others based on how they look. This man is a great illustration of how each of us may help bring about this transformation. Wow! What an amazing tale!

You can see Inside Edition’s interviews with Savannah and Chase about it in the video below. It’s wonderful that

there are excellent people out there who don’t know each other.
Don’t be shy in sharing this with your loved ones.

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