Following his mother’s admission, Matthew McConaughey states that Woody Harrelson may be his brother.

Although they are both recognizable, beloved actors who have been regulars on our screens for many years,

there may be more to the relationship between Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson than meets the eye.

The two have been good friends for a long time and appeared together in the 2014 season of the popular crime drama True Detective.

They had a close relationship during the production—almost like brothers—and both received high praise for their individual performances.

But may the startling sense of realism have been caused by a remarkable truth that neither of them at the time knew?

The two Hollywood blockbuster actors may very well be brothers, according to McConaughey. No, not in a religious sense or even in a super-best-friend manner. We refer to real brothers.

According to Metro, McConaughey suggested that the two might be related because of a disclosure his mother made that makes the possibility impossible to rule out.

The 53-year-old Dallas Buyers Club actor McConaughey claimed his mother hinted at the possibility when she acknowledged knowing Harrelson’s father well.

This could have suggested that the two might have engaged in sexual activity at some point in the past.

As his and Harrelson’s families were on vacation in Greece together, McConaughey revealed on Kelly Ripa’s

Let’s Talk Off Camera podcast how his dear old mom had dropped the potentially explosive information.

The Interstellar actor claimed that on one occasion, the conversation moved to how often Harrelson and he are mistaken for one another in pictures.

We’re sitting around in Greece a few years ago talking about how close we are and our families, McConaughey recalled.

’Then my mother appears, telling me, ‘Woody, I knew your dad. Everyone noticed the ellipses my mother added after ‘know.’ A loaded K-N-E-W was used.

After hearing that information, McConaughey made the decision to look into his family history a little further.

In fact, the 53-year-old learned that Harrelson’s father was on furlough as his parents were going through their second divorce.

McConaughey isn’t persuaded, despite the 63-year-old actor’s suggestion that the two get DNA testing done.

See, Woody finds it a little simpler to say, ‘Come on, let’s perform DNA tests,’ since he has nothing to lose. said McConaughey.

Because he’s asking me to take a chance and think, ‘Wait a minute, you’re trying to tell me my dad

may not be my dad after 53 years of believing that?,’ it’s a little harder for me. I now have a little more at stake.

Harrelson learned of his father’s 15-year prison sentence for the murder of a grain dealer in 1973 from a radio program.

‘I was in the car waiting for a lady who was picking me up from school, helping my mum, and anyway I was listening to the radio and it was talking

about Charles V Harrelson and his trial for murder and blah blah blah blah, and I’m sitting there thinking

there can’t be another Charles V Harrelson,’ the Hunger Games star said in a statement to The Guardian. That’s my father, after all.

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