Watch this beautiful wedding film to see the four grandmothers of the bride and groom acting as flower girls.

Traditionally, young girls are chosen to serve as flower girls at weddings, but one Tennessee couple broke with convention by asking their grandmothers to do the honors.

Lyndsey and Tanner Raby had four generations of women in their families serve as flower girls: the bride’s great-grandmother, aged 90;

the groom’s grandmother, aged 70; the bride’s grandmother, aged 76; and the bride’s grandmother, aged 72.

Women walked down the aisle in beautiful dresses and carried flower baskets as they would at any wedding, just like a traditional flower girl would.

After perusing the work of other users, Lyndsey was inspired to come up with the idea.

‘I knew I wanted to involve both of my grandmothers in the celebration as soon as I got engaged.

I considered it a wonderful blessing that they were all here, therefore I wanted them to take part as well.

They lay a lot of weight on it, so I have no doubt that they were happier than my bridesmaids, she continued.

I’ve been to a lot of weddings and I’ve seen a lot of stunning flower girls, but these four ladies take the cake.

The photos featuring the four “’flower-grandmas’ have already gone viral and have been seen by hundreds of millions of people all over the world.

Although their level of activity was consistent throughout the day with that of a little girl who was in a similar scenario,

I had no clue that these women would bring such a high degree of snark to the table.

One’s age is nothing more than a number, as shown by this without a shadow of a doubt.

Lyndsey has great expectations that others would be similarly inspired and decide to invite their older relatives to their own weddings.

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