Five amazing brothers stepped in during their youngest sister’s father-daughter dance to honor their late father. You won’t be able to hold back the tears! Video

The father-daughter dance at weddings is a moment that is frequently highlighted and looked forward to by both the bridal party and the guests

due to the special relationship that it signifies. The relationship between a father and his married daughter is symbolized by this behavior.

The bride’s childhood likewise comes to an end, and a new stage in her life as a wife and mother begins.

For brides without father figures in their life, this could be disheartening. The bride’s father may be replaced with any other male relative, but it won’t be the same.

Examples include a brother, stepfather, uncle, or grandfather. The father of the bride is a crucial component of the wedding.

A situation quite similar to the one described above occurred for Kaley West Young from Utah, who had long dreamed of having a father-daughter dance

on the day of her wedding.Her father tragically passed away in 2015 as a result of complications from a cardiac condition.

She had already informed her five older brothers—who were in agreement with her decision—that she did not want a father-daughter dance during the wedding.

Unbeknownst to her, they had intended to dance with her instead and incorporate a surprise of their own into the act.

Kevin, Dustin, Danny, Derek, and Kasey West, Kaley’s older brothers, created a touching tribute for their late father using the song

‘Fathers and Daughters’ by Michael Bolton. This act of kindness was a beautiful demonstration of their affection for Kaley.

By incorporating their late father’s voice from their home movies into the song, they produced an intensely moving mashup.

In the video, Kevin West announced that his brothers will perform the father-daughter dance in his stead.

David West’s voice may be heard exclaiming, ‘Hi, Kaley!,’ as soon as the first few notes of the song start to play.

Hello, I’m Dave West, and Kaley’s father. My daughter and I are incredibly close; in fact, I think we love each other around 1800 times.

Kaley found herself crying with her brother since the circumstance was so deeply moving. After that, Kevin showed the other brothers

the way as they alternated dancing with Kaley. Since then, more than 380,000 people have seen a YouTube video of the dancing homage.

‘I’m touched and delighted that the West brothers selected my song ‘FathersandDaughters’ to dance with their sister

Kaley at her wedding,’ tweeted Michael Bolton, the artist, to express his respect and gratitude for his followers.

For all of us, it was a memorable occasion. They made a video that made me cry and cry. As the music

continued and more of her father’s voice could be heard in the background, Kaley’s tears wouldn’t stop streaming.

Kaley’s deep bond with both of her brothers was evident during the dance.

Although it is really terrible that her father was unable to attend her wedding, the fact that her brothers

filled in for him speaks volumes about both their love for her as their sister and their father’s love for her as well.

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